One Wrong Price: Rebecca lost; Home Gym, Playstation 3 and Games, and Water Ski Gear (Wrong Price $1295)

Squeeze Play: James lost (removed first “9”); 50-inch Plasma TV ($4998)

Gas Money: Deborah lost $4000; Honda Element ($22,385)

Showcase Showdown #1: Rebecca wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Now or Then: Kevin wins (“Then” December 1999); Living Room Group and Motorcycle

Switch?: Joan lost without a “switch”; Handbags and Floor Clock

Master Key: Scott wins with Key #5 and Key #2; Compact Disc Recorder, Cutlery Set, and Honda Civic

Showcase Showdown #2: Scott wins with 75 cents

Showcase: Scott wins; Clothing, Luggage, Trip to Milan, Italy, and $500 in Cash ($39,037 in prizes)

Drew once again had his arm around his helper’s (model) back after receiving his cordless microphone. “Drew, make the 14th anniversary of my 29th birthday the best” were the words on Rebecca’s shirt, as read by the host. James received some great applause after choosing to remove the first “9” in Squeeze Play instead of the “2” to win the Plasma TV Set. Joan, a retired corrections officer for New York, New York, got to high-five Drew after finding her spot in Contestant’s Row with the help of the host and a fellow contestant. Deborah wanted to “do the bump” with Drew and they did before playing Gas Money. The loud International House of Pancakes advertisement made its return before Showcase Showdown #1. Rebecca appeared in both a frontal camera shot of the Big Wheel as she started to spin and the triangle camera shot during her bonus spin. Drew allowed Rich Fields to tell viewers how they could get tickets to visit the show. “Drew. Tell Us. Boy or Girl”, Kevin’s shirt asked before Drew answered by reading a card from a previously unopened envelope. Kevin leaped off the stage to hug his wife upon learning they will have a boy. Drew reminded viewers “it’s a boy” after the next commercial break, but did not tell viewers who may just be tuning in who would be having the child. The last Item Up for Bids, a Video Camera, provided viewers with its own view of the host, who interacted with the camera and its holder in a silly way. Scott, a voice teacher, raised his eyebrow a few times as he used his key to open the padlock for the Honda Civic in Master Key. Drew used the other key by himself to unlock the Compact Disc Recorder after Scott ran off to get into his Honda automobile. Today’s Showcases featured a Cruise of the Orient, Rich Fields asking Scott if he ever imagined himself wearing clothes found in a fashion magazine (yes), and a Trip to Milan, Italy. We end today’s show with a camera shot of Scott’s $500 being used as a fan, by not Drew, but by one of his helpers.

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Wednesday, April 29

It’s In the Bag: Charles wins $16,000

Money Game: Sarah wins; Ford Fusion ($23,194)

Eazy Az 1, 2, 3: Christa wins; Barbecue Grill, Cologne, and Washer and Dryer

Showcase Showdown #1: Charles wins with 85 cents

Secret X: Dometrius lost (X at the Bottom); Trip to Nashville, Tennessee

Lucky 7: Thomas lost; Chevy HHR ($22,914)

Clock Game: Nancy wins (2 seconds left); Dining Room Table ($899) and Desktop Computer ($593) (+$1000)

Showcase Showdown #2: Nancy wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Showcase: Nancy wins; Bedroom Group, Clothing, and Speed Boat ($36,911)

Members of the studio audience were wearing the same style of glasses once worn by Drew. Charles, a retired officer for the United States Forest Service, got to play It’s In the Bag and became the first to witness a new border around the $16,000 at the beginning of the game. “You used to work for Smoky Bear?” Drew asked Charles in an excited tone of voice. “Do you want to let it ride on the 9 Lives?” Drew asked Charles twice before revealing the item for an $8000 prize. Sarah, the owner of a 1991 Honda Accord, came to the show from Seattle, Washington with a shirt bearing the words “Xbox 360 Live”, but Drew jokingly said she is a member of a new soccer team called the “Xbox 360s”. Drew handed Christa all threw blocks at the beginning of Eazy Az, 1, 2, 3, which was played very quickly. “I was second guessing myself”, Christa explained before learning she made the right decisions. Dometrius won two “Xs” after relying on the audience for at least one of the two items in Secret X, but she lost even with two out of three chances of winning the game. Jessica came on down with “Drew glasses” and “lucky dollars” attached to her shirt. International House of Pancakes, the show’s second closed captioning sponsor, had a very loud advertisement before Showcase Showdown #2. “Thomas had 95, feeling all cocky and ready to go”, said Drew after Nancy scored $1.00 by spinning the Big Wheel. Nancy appeared in an arrow camera shot during her bonus spin. Today’s Showcases featured an excited Rich Fields, a Speedboat, and a Finland holiday in a Showcase with a snow theme.

2 For the Price of 1: Ricci lost(chose middle number); Quad of MP3 Players ($896) and Trip to Montreal, Canada

Hole in One: Zachary wins (Line 2); Pontiac G6

Bonkers: Matthew lost; Jet Ski ($9398)

Showcase Showdown #1: Ricci wins with 90 cents

Cliffhangers: Deneka wins (1 step); Pair of Motorcycles

Most Expensive: Evelyn lost; Stemware (Most Expensive), Laptop Computer, Workout Clothes

Any Number: Rodney wins Jeep Wrangler ($23,879); Art Supplies

Showcase Showdown #2: Deneka wins with 80 cents

Showcase: Ricci wins; Living Room Group, Stereo System, 58-inch Plasma TV, Hot Tub, and 38-inch Outdoor Weather-Proof TV ($25,163 in prizes)

Evelyn’s name was called twice before she started coming on down as today’s first contestant. Both Ricci and Drew jumped before hugging after she arrived on stage. “Deneka, Evelyn, good luck, have a seat”, said Drew after the two were outbid for a Range by Matthew’s bid of $2002 after $2001 and $2000, but Zachary won with his first bid. Drew did not make an inspiration putt in today’s game of Hole in One, but gave the opportunity to a professional golfer named Natalie Gulbis. “Nothing—like that, nothing bothers her”, said Drew before the ball hit by Natalie reached the hole. “Twenty-five thousand dollar car a stake”, Drew blurted as the ball hit by Zachary came near the hole and passed it before bouncing back for the win. Drew declared Zachary’s putt “the put of the year” during Showcase Showdown #1 and admitted he had never seen such an exciting putt before quickly adding, “Sorry, Tiger”. “This is my favorite game”, said Deneka after Drew once again referred to the mountain climber in Cliffhangers as “the yodely guy”. According to the host, it’s not fun to hear the Cliffhangers music when you’re on the show playing the game, but in the case of today’s show only one second of music was heard. Andrea was the quickest contestant to come on down on today’s show with dollar bills attached to her shirt. Evelyn left Showcase Showdown #2 with a big smile after Deneka beat her score of 75 cents with five more cents. Drew wished both Deneka and Rodney luck after the latter contestant spun the Big Wheel. Today’s Showcases featured a Pair of TV Sets and Rich Fields and Natalie. Drew told Deneka the nine trips of golf mentioned in her Showcase were just “thrown in” and not to be included in her bid. Deneka’s bid of $19,500 was over by $435. We end today’s show with Ricci lying on her new living room furniture.

5 Price Tags: Byard lost with no chances; Ford F-150 ($21,790)

Pick A Number: Salvador lost (chose “4”); Trip to Fiji ($7388)

Grocery Game: Cinnamon lost (Total $21.52); Bedroom Group

Showcase Showdown #1: Byard wins with 90 cents

Freeze Frame: Martha lost; Golf Cart and Golf Set ($9355)

One Away: Michelle wins; Chevy Aveo ($25,134)

Swap Meet: Bryce wins (Pendant $999); Sofa, Shoes, and Elliptical Trainer ($999)

Showcase Showdown #2: Bryce wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Showcase: Bryce wins; Refrigerator, 32-inch TV, DVD Collection, and Chrysler PT Cruiser ($33,486 in prizes)

Drew made his first appearance today not in the middle of the Big Doors when they opened, but shortly after they opened by stepping aside from the left. Rich Fields gave viewers and listeners a very short description of the Ford truck featured in 5 Price Tags. All four items had their true prices and Byard said “false” to all of them. Drew referred to Salvador’s helper as “lucky” as she carried the “4” over to the second digit slot in Pick A Number. Drew called Cinnamon a survivor in spite of a one-dollar bid in Contestant’s Row. After Grocery Game came around the Turntable, Drew greeted the cashier in a slow way that had me worried for him doing such unnecessary interaction. “If not, see you at the wheel”, the host told Cinnamon before revealing the price of her final item in Grocery Game, a Bag of Marshmallows. Today’s fourth Item Up for Bids, a Table Tennis Table, was demonstrated by a couple of guests named Biba Golic and Barney Reed. Michelle, an officer and “baby sitter” in the Air Force, became the next contestant who had to begin each sentence in One Away with, “Oh mighty sound effects lady…” no matter how embarrassing. Drew did not change the numbers in One Away, nor did he announce why the job was handed over to his helpers (models). Drew was looking away as the “3” in the price of the Chevrolet automobile was revealed to confirm Michelle as the winner. After scoring 75 cents in Showcase Showdown #2, Martha answered Drew’s question by saying, “I’m going to keep it!” in a confident tone of voice, but Bryce would soon score $1.00 on the Big Wheel. The screams of the studio audience were constant as the Big Wheel slowly made a stop at 80 cents after passing 5 cents, $1.00, and 15 cents during Byce’s bonus spin. Byard’s Showcase began with interaction between Drew and Rich, but the rest was like a normal Showcase with a Desktop Computer and a Trip to Egypt and Athens, Greece. “Bryce!” Byard shouted in happiness for his fellow contestant, who won his Showcase with a smaller difference.

Switch?: Sharon lost with a “switch”; Handbags and Offroad Vehicle

Punch A Bunch: Linda wins $1000 with 3 punches

Money Game: Lisa wins $198 ; Honda Accord ($22,354)

Showcase Showdown #1: Linda wins with 75 cents

Bullseye: Joy wins with a Bullseye; Kitchen Set

More or Less: Andrew wins Tool System (Less than $1300); Clothing (More than $2400), Dining Room Table, and Honda Fit

Pushover: Joi lost; Grand Canyon Train Tour ($6010)

Showcase Showdown #2: Andrew wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Andrew wins; Lift Oven, Electric Kayak, $1500 in Cash, Cruise of the Caribbean ($19,417 in prizes)

After receiving his microphone, Drew danced with the model who presented it to him by grabbing her hands and going around in a circle together. As Linda hugged Thomas after arriving in Contestant’s Row, the camera zoomed out to show both of their faces due to their great difference in height. “It’s your birthday, it’s your birthday!” Drew told Linda after she arrived on stage for Punch A Bunch, which featured the host’s “all-time favorite prize”, an Automatic Donut Maker, which received some nice applause from the audience, and a Snuggie robe, which Drew requested to be worn by one of his fellow employees on stage. The large dollar bill featured a previous audience member’s drawing of Drew. Linda won three punches, but punched the Punchboard four times by mistake. After Drew reminded her she missed an item and punch, Linda reacted with her hands in a way that appeared to be a snap. After Linda decided to leave with her $1000 slip from the first hole, viewers got to see the Snuggie robe again as the show went to a commercial break. Drew did not tell Lisa she won $198 after Money Game ended. Drew got himself and the audience too excited as the Big Wheel appeared to be stopping at $1.00 for Sharon in Showcase Showdown #1. Allison was in the front row of the studio audience before coming over to Contestant’s Row. The difference between Joi’s price and the actual price of the Grand Canyon trip was $651. Drew started using the phrases “Joy with a ‘J’ ” and “Joi with an ‘I’ ” in Showcase Showdown #2. Andrew’s score in the Spinoff was five cents greater than Joi’s and the Big Wheel barely stopped where he and Drew wanted it. Today’s Showcases featured Rich Fields interacting with Linda and Andrew, who bid $7000, which Drew emphasized, causing members of the audience to laugh, as he revealed the actual retail price of his Showcase first. Linda overbid with $18,000. We end this week’s worth of shows with Andrew and his large group on stage.

Lucky 7: Christopher lost; Mercury Milan ($21,3 )

Freeze Frame: Evan wins ; Motorcycle ($7198)

Pick A Pair: Jonathan wins (Dish Soap and Tissues Cost $3.29) ; Living Room Group

Showcase Showdown #1: Evan wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Flip Flop: Leslie lost by “flipping”; Bed ($4247)

Ten Chances: Antonette wins Lantern ($50); Playstation 3 and Games ($760), Chrysler PT Cruiser ($19,820)

One Wrong Price: Lucia lost; Jukebox, Dining Room Table (Wrong Price $1794), and Guitar

Showcase Showdown #2: Lucia wins with 90 cents

Showcase: Evan wins; Home Theater System, Projector Screen, Outdoor Kitchen Set, and A Trio of $1000 Gift Cards ($34,378 in prizes)

Christopher was so glad to meet Drew after winning Two Pairs of Shoes in Contestant’s Row. He chose “7” as the second number in the price of the Mercury automobile in Lucky 7 and lost six of his seven dollars. The other numbers in the price of the automobile were not revealed after Christopher lost the game. Evan’s second bid of one dollar turned out to be a winning bid after Drew loudly said, “Air hockey table with two players played by two hot models”. Evan was given a second chance to freeze a price in Freeze Frame after he wanted the numbers to go around again. Jonathan, whose arrival into Contestant’s Row was narrated by Drew, was patient to hear the host slowly read the actual retail price before he could come on stage. “Listen up, buddy, it almost went down the middle”, said Drew after Evan scored $1.00 in his first spin of the Big Wheel. The camera shot with the contestant in a triangle did not return for today’s Showcase Showdown. After the commercial break, Drew gave special mention to Monica in the audience on her 93rd birthday when the show was taped. Leslie pushed the red button in Flip Flop before quickly realizing what she had done, but Drew said all was well, as he “was going to do it anyway”. Drew instructed Antonette to price the Lantern and Playstation 3 and Games quickly in order to have more chances to price the Chrysler automobile. She used four chances to price the Lantern $50. The prop concealing the numbers in the price of the automobile fell before Antonette used her eighth chance to price the game system and games. She never got to write a price for the automobile. Drew and the last Item Up for Bids, a Vacuum on the Turntable, appeared on the same camera shot before Lucia made her first bid. Drew realized Lucia’s name was pronounced “Lu-see-ah” rather than “Lu-chee-ah” before her prizes were revealed from behind the Big Doors. Lucia was signaling the audience about the Guitar in One Wrong Price, according to Drew. Today’s Showcase featured a Spy Package and a Home Theater System with a Projector Screen.

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Wednesday, April 22

Range Game: Brooke lost; Electric Car ($15,995)

Most Expensive: Antonio wins; Sofa, Coats (Most Expensive), and Exercise Machine

Bonkers: Michael wins; Trip to Austria

Showcase Showdown #1: Michael wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Balance Game: Corinne lost ($1000 + $4000 + $795); Catamaran ($4795)

Grand Game: Anna wins $10,000 (Target Price $6.00)

Pathfinder: Whitney lost (stepped on “7”); Chevy Malibu ($27,214)

Showcase Showdown #2: Corinne wins with $1.00 + 25 cents ($1000)

Showcase: Michael wins; Electric Bicycle, Solar-Powered Golf Cart, and Toyota Prius ($46,505 in prizes)

Our journey into the show with an Earth Day theme begins with an unusual camera shot of the audience from above. Brooke of Las Vegas, Nevada got to play the Range Game, but first Drew had to introduce a guest somewhere in hiding. Ed Begley, Jr. came from beyond the Turntable before Drew could introduce a prize his guest would enjoy: an Electric Car. The reveal of the automobile’s actual price did not seem exciting or suspenseful due to the excited audience and Drew’s quickness. “Yeah, baby!” said Antonio, a mechanic of 25 years for “the Goodyear Blimp”, after coming to Drew’s side beside the Big Doors concealing Most Expensive, which Drew acknowledged as “one of the oldest” games on the show. “The act-u-el retail preece (actual retail price)”, said Drew before Michael arrived on stage for Bonkers, which he played with numerous combinations in a risky strategy before winning at the very last second. Drew did not reveal the price of Michael’s Trip to Austria. Showcase Showdown #2 featured the return of the combined camera shots of the contestant in a triangle and the Big Wheel spinning, but the triangle with Michael did not appear over a black background, but over a wide shot of the Big Wheel. “Could I pay my taxes with this?” Anna asked Drew about the $10,000 prize in Grand Game before winning it all. Whitney shouted one dollar for the Laptop Computer presented as the last Item Up for Bids for today’s show. “Finally”, said Drew after Whitney arrived on stage and revealed the day of taping to be her 32nd birthday. Corinne and Anna both scored $1.00 in Showcase Showdown #2 and won $1000. Both contestants appeared in triangles during their Spinoff. Corrine scored 25 cents before Anna scored 10 cents. Music once again greeted viewers to the Showcase portion of the show. Today’s Showcase featured a symbolic donation (not included in Corinne’s bid) to the World Wildlife Fund, the current official holders of the abbreviation WWF, Ed Begley, Jr., and three electrical means of transportation. We end today’s show with a camera shot that includes Drew speaking to Ed beside Michael’s Toyota Prius.

Spelling Bee: Tara wins $3000 with 3 cards; Pontiac G6

One Right Price: Robert lost; Secretary Desk and Luggage ($2430)

Make Your Move: Tina lost; Panini Press and Sandwich Maker ($45), Daybed ($459), and Trailer ($6495)

Showcase Showdown #1: Tara wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Hi Lo: Zachary wins; Home Theater Group

Pick A Number: Sandra lost (chose “3”); Ford Ranger ($19,185)

Check Game: Sandra wins ($2000 check); Hot Tub ($5233)

Showcase Showdown #2: Sandra (II) wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Showcase: Tara wins; Double Showcase Winner, Cosmetics, Clothing, Handbags, Shoes, and Trip to Paris, France; Meals for a Year, Dining Room Group, and Sailboat ($48,060 in prizes)

As Drew made his entrance beyond the Big Doors, he punched the air and made a “pow” sound before doing a short dance beside the model who gave him the cordless microphone. As Tara was deciding whether to leave Spelling Bee with $3000 or continue in pursuit of the automobile, Drew said, “I’m offering you $2000, the car’s pretty expensive though”. Drew showed the price of the second Item Up for Bids (a Laptop Computer priced $1799) to the camera, the contestants, and studio audience. Tina said she waited 39 years to “get up here”, which amazed Drew because the show is “only 37 years old”. As Make Your Move made its way around the Turntable, Drew jumped on it and returned to Tina’s side with laughter he could not control. Members of the audience appeared on camera as they laughed along with Drew. As the Big Wheel spun, Tina shared the story of her shirt featuring the images of “Bob Barker, Janice, Diana, and Holly”. Unfortunately, the shirt was stolen at an airport. Zachary, a puppeteer for a theme park that Drew was sure was “owned by another network” (a reference to ABC, I assume, since the Walt Disney Company owns both the network and Disneyland) got to play Hi Lo, which was not seen on camera as it was brought out on stage. Drew hummed the “Tums” jingle before and after he revealed the price of said item in Hi Lo. Drew welcomed viewers back “to the greatest game show in the history of television” before the fifth Item Up for Bids, a Chocolate Maker. Sandra, who retired nine years before her mama recently, played the Check Game, which, according to Drew, has been on the show since it was “founded in 1872”, which would be 100 years before the actual founding. Before the Showcases were revealed, viewers heard music, the sounds of the audience cheering, and some “wolf whistling” for reasons unseen by viewers. Before the Showcase prices were revealed, the show’s theme music played as the audience cheered. We end today’s show with a Double Showcase Winner and Tara is her name.

Plinko: Eulonda wins $21,500 with 5 Plinko chips

Cover Up: Jaclyn lost; Chevy Cobalt ($18,364)

Squeeze Play: Leanne lost (removed “8”); Fighter Pilot School in Las Vegas, Nevada ($6388)

Showcase Showdown #1: Eulonda wins with 75 cents

Danger Price: John lost (Danger Price $950); Speakers, Accessories, Wine Set, and Tea Set ($950)

Check Out: Michael wins ($1.05 difference); Bedroom Group

That’s Too Much: Mercer lost; Jeep Wrangler ($21,460)

Showcase Showdown #2: John wins with 10 cents

Showcase: Double Overbid; Smart Cycle Game System, 42-inch Plasma TV, Nintendo Wii and Games, and Trip to Walt Disney World and Tokyo Disneyland; Motorscooter, Scoot Coop, and Scion XB

Drew referred to the Digital Watch featured in Plinko as a “nerd watch”. Eulonda dropped her first Plinko chip from the “L”, where many chips were dropped before reaching the $10,000 slot, but it didn’t happen until Eulonda made a second drop from the “L” with her fourth Plinko chip. After Jaclyn said hello to her mother, Drew said, “Hi, Mom” afterwards. The host sounded very sure the first time and second time he loudly asked, “Does she win a car?” before learning the unfortunate answer to the question, “Does she have any luck?” Leanne, whose clothing included the words “pick me” and her name appearing twice (on her nametag and the shirt itself), discovered her prize by watching a video screen at the back at the audience. When Leanne said Squeeze Play is her least favorite game, Drew congratulated her in a loud tone of voice. As Leeanna began to spin the Big Wheel, she appeared in the camera shot with a frontal view of the wheel before she almost fell to the floor, causing Drew to say, “Oh my gosh!” before asking if she’s all right. John, who was wearing some interesting overalls on the show today, but plays Santa Claus two months out of the year and was currently in his “vacation time”, according to Drew, got to play Danger Price today. Even though he found the Danger Price, Drew reminded John “you’ve got Santa Claus to fall back on”. Mercer, bearer of the shirt with the words “Just Older Youth (J. O. Y.)”, played That’s Too Much, which is no longer said with “vim, vigor, and vitality”. When Drew asked if Mercer was right to say “that’s too much”, the camera shot of the price he stopped on switched to the reveal of the Jeep Wrangler’s actual price before the buzzer sound was heard. Mercer shook John’s hand after tying 85 cents in Showcase Showdown #2. John scored 10 cents during the Spinoff portion, followed by Mercer’s score of 5 cents. Today’s show ended with a couple of overbids, including John’s bid with a small difference. We end today’s show with Drew and the models facing the front of the studio as the audience cheered behind them.

One Wrong Price: Donald lost; Stemware, Home Gym (Wrong Price $2895), and DVD/CD Player

Stack the Deck: Benjamin wins (wins “3”, “8”, and “6”); Pontiac Vibe ($19,386)

Pushover: Aaron lost; Bed ($3553)

Showcase Showdown #1: Aaron wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Clock Game: Lara lost; Picnic Table ($999) and Desktop Computer

One Away: David lost; Ford F-150 ($22,487)

Pick A Number: Denise lost (chose “7”); Outdoor Living Room Group ($8588)

Showcase Showdown #2: Denise wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Aaron wins; Luggage and Trip to Cancun, Mexico, Spain, and Hong Kong, China ($22,876 in prizes)

Lucky 7: Lindsey lost; Honda Accord ($23,91 )

Punch A Bunch: Erin wins $500 with 4 punches

Squeeze Play: Goldie wins (removed "5"); Cruise of the Canals of Paris, France ($18,632)

Showcase Showdown #1: Goldie wins by default with 60 cents

1 Right Price: Lana lost; Motorcycle and Dresses and Shoes ($3359)

Plinko: Rebekah wins $12,000 with 3 Plinko chips

Let ‘Em Roll: Joshua wins Honda Fit

Showcase Showdown #2: Joshua wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Showcase: Goldie wins; “Priceless Memories” by Bob Barker and Digby Diehl, Desktop Computer, Trip to New York, New York, and Honda Ridgeline ($55,590 in prizes)

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Wednesday, April 15

Cover Up: Janel lost; Ford Focus ($18,213)

Side By Side: Jody wins (Left Side); Jukebox ($8995)

It’s In the Bag: Michael lost $4000

Showcase Showdown #1: Jody wins with 90 cents

Squeeze Play: Donna lost (removed “6”); Sports Equipment and $1000 Gift Card ($4065)

Line ‘Em Up: Rachel lost; Chevy HHR ($22,540)

Most Expensive: Nicole lost; Silverware, 50-inch TV Set (Most Expensive), and Pool Table

Showcase Showdown #2: Nicole wins with 90 cents

Showcase: Jody wins; Desktop Computer, Trip to Switzerland, and Boat ($44,829 in prizes)

Half Off: Rhonda lost (One Half and Box #13); Box #6 contained $10,000

Lucky 7: Douglas lost; Ford Focus ($17,512)

Double Prices: Zarah wins; Hot Tub ($8694)

Showcase Showdown #1: Zarah wins with 30 cents

Pocket Change: Jelani lost with 60 cents ($1.75 for car); Ford Mustang ($16,981)

Race Game: Dawn wins; Bed, Clothing, Floor Clock, and Elliptical Trainer

Grocery Game: Robert lost (Total $29.90); Trip to the Bahamas

Showcase Showdown #2: Jelani wins with 75 cents

Showcase: Zarah wins; Trip to Washington, D. C. and Jeep Patriot ($38,180 in prizes)

Any Number: Bobbie wins Ford Fusion ($23,194);

Freeze Frame: Holli lost; Clothing ($8024)

Bonus Game: Carman wins Catamaran (“Bonus” in Third Window)

Showcase Showdown #1: Carman wins with 65 cents

Eazy Az 1, 2, 3: John wins; Dinnerware, Laptop Computer, and Washer and Dryer

That’s Too Much: Kimberly lost; Chevy Impala ($24,540)

Now or Then: Eda wins (“Then” February 1995); 65-inch TV and Subscription to Netflix

Showcase Showdown #2: John wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Showcase: Carman wins; Living Room Group, Home Theater System, and Trip to Japan ($23,369 in prizes)

Switcheroo: Kristen wins Perfume ($75), Keyboard ($30), and Ford Ranger ($18,965); Webcam and Bar Gadget Set

Safe Crackers: Philip lost (Combination 760); Playstation 3 and Games and 63-inch Plasma TV

Flip Flop: Rebecca wins by “flipping”; Bedroom Group ($4681)

Showcase Showdown #1: Philip wins with 80 cents

One Wrong Price: Christina lost; Chair, Refrigerator and TV Combination (Wrong Price $2599), and Elliptical Trainer

Pass the Buck: Heidi lost $3000; Chrysler PT Cruiser

Pick A Pair: Manuel lost (chose “9”); Piano ($8500)

Showcase Showdown #2: Manuel wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Philip wins; Flowers for a Year, Dining Room Group, and Boat ($29,846 in prizes)

Switch?: Kiley lost with a “switch”; Pool Table and Clothing

Pocket Change: Ann Marie lost wit $1.00 ($1.25 for car); Pontiac Vibe ($19,386)

Balance Game: Angel lost ($835 + $1000 + $4000); Trip to Savannah, Georgia, New Orleans, Louisiana, and Nashville, Tennessee ($6835)

Showcase Showdown #1: Ann Marie wins with 85 cents

Hi Lo: Ryan lost; Hot Tub

Range Game: Michelle lost; Jeep Wrangler ($20,560)

Swap Meet: David wins (Pair of MP3 Players $498); Desk ($498), Bar Set, and Pair of Stepper Bicycles

Showcase Showdown #2: Ryan lost with 90 cents

Showcase: Double Overbid; Laptop Computer, Trip to Jamaica, and Waverunner; Living Room Group, 46-inch TV, and Pair of Motorcycles

Freeze Frame: Heather lost; Trip to Hong Kong, China ($8446)

More or Less: Joel wins Stereo System (Less than $1785) and Sofa (More than $650); Vase and Jeep Compass

Pick A Pair: Barbara lost; Bedroom Group

Showcase Showdown #1: Joel wins with 70 cents

Pushover: Michael lost; 50-inch TV ($6994)

Plinko: Eric wins $1000 with 2 Plinko chips

That’s Too Much: Katherine lost; Ford Focus ($17,812)

Showcase Showdown #2: Katherine wins with $2.00 ($26,000)

Showcase: Katherine wins; Mini Mini Cooper Toy, Mini Cooper Desk, and Mini Cooper ($50,858 in prizes)

Grand Game: Carolyn wins $1000 (Target Price $5.50)

Most Expensive: Carro wins; Popcorn Cart, Four Pairs of Shoes (Most Expensive), and Lasertag Equipment

Any Number: Nicolette wins $6.52; Mercury Milan ($21,397) and Stemware ($408)

Showcase Showdown #1: Carro wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Check Game: Bradley wins (Check for $3222); Trip to Carmel, California ($4369)

One Away: Kristen lost; Chevy Cobalt ($18,764)

Side By Side: Shirley wins (Left Side); Offroad Vehicle ($8599)

Showcase Showdown #2: Kristen wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Carro wins; Golf Clubs, Golf Cart, and Trip to Bermuda ($37,329 in prizes)

Today’s Airing of The Price is Right

Bonkers: Drew wins; Cruise of Norway

Pass the Buck: Steven lost; Mini Cooper

1 Right Price: Meredith lost; Dining Room Table ($1899) and Home Gym

Showcase Showdown #1: Steven wins with 70 cents

Range Game: Tiara wins; Drum Set and Guitars ($7595)

Cliffhangers: Ronald wins (20 steps); Living Room Group and $1000 Gift Cart

Money Game: Christina wins; Pontiac G6 ($21,086)

Showcase Showdown #2: Tiara wins with 70 cents

Showcase: Steven wins; Robes and Slippers, Bedroom Group, and Off-Road Vehicle ($22,474 in prizes)

Money Game: Abe wins $232; Ford F-150 ($22,487)

2 For the Price of 1: Valerie wins (chose middle number); Xbox 360 and Games ($940) and 52-inch TV

Secret X: Jason lost (X on Top); Trip to Scottsdale, Arizona

Showcase Showdown #1: Valerie wins with $1.00 ($1000)

One Wrong Price: Hali lost; Bar Set (Wrong Price $3612), Exercise Machine, and Luggage Set

Stack the Deck: Delores wins (wins “1”, “8”, and “6”); Chevy Equinox ($25,168)

Range Game: Jeff lost; Pinball Machine ($8395)

Showcase Showdown #2: Hali wins with 75 cents

Showcase: Valerie wins; Grill, Motorcycle, and Ford Mustang Convertible ($47,068 in prizes)

Squeeze Play: Gina lost (removed “5”); Ford Focus ($19,435)

Plinko: Laura wins $500 with 2 Plinko chips

Make Your Move: Kimberly wins; Handcart ($50), Watch ($675), and Trip to Yellowstone National Park ($5481)

Showcase Showdown #1: Kimberly wins with 50 cents

Bullseye: Joseph hits $10.50; Dining Room Group

Race Game: Tamara wins 65-inch TV; Cookware, Home Gym, and Pendant

That’s Too Much: Craig lost; Pontiac G6 ($20,295)

Showcase Showdown #2: Tamara wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Tamara wins; Aquarium, $500, Desktop Computer, Quad of Sea Scooters, and Trip to Hawaii ($24,491 in prizes)

Pushover: Dalah lost; Waverunner ($9798)

Gas Money: Dee Ron lost; Ford Fusion ($23,814)

Grocery Game: Sarie lost (Total $21.21);

Showcase Showdown #1: Dee Ron wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Most Expensive: Debra wins; Coco Floor Clock, Regan Floor Clock (Most Expensive), and Arendal Floor Clock

Cover Up: Jessica lost; Pontiac Vibe ($23,615)

Freeze Frame: Tammy lost; Pair of Motorscooters ($3598)

Showcase Showdown #2: Debra wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Dee Ron wins; Washer and Dryer, Refrigerator, and Ford Flex ($35,172 in prizes)

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