Cliffhangers: Jessica lost; Golf Cart and Golf Equipment

Dice Game: Darlene wins (rolled “1” and “6”); Subaru Forester ($21,621)

Double Prices: Gregory wins; Trip to Jackson Hole, Wyoming ($7957)

Showcase Showdown #1: Gregory wins with 75 cents

Most Expensive: Jonathan lost; Washer & Dryer, Five Handbags, and Game Table (Most Expensive)

Ten Chances: Lisa wins Foot Massager ($90); Power Tools ($670) and Chrysler PT Cruiser

Grocery Game: Andrew wins (Total $20.53); Kitchen Set

Showcase Showdown #2: Lisa wins with 70 cents

Showcase: Gregory wins; Desktop Computer, Dining Room Table and Pool Table, and Mini Cooper Convertible ($44,039 in prizes)

Half Off: Patrick lost (1 Half and Box #9); Box #15 contained $10,000

Squeeze Play: Sarah lost (removed “9”); Kitchen Island ($7995)

Any Number: Earlene wins Four MP3 Players ($796); Chevy Cobalt ($18,324)

Showcase Showdown #1: Patrick wins with 85 cents

One Wrong Price: Barbara wins; Dining Room Table, Pair of Handbags (Wrong Price $2850), and Lawn Mower

Pass the Buck: Leanne wins $5000; Jeep Wrangler

Switch?: David lost with a “switch”; Trip to Anchorage, Alaska and Cancun, Mexico

Showcase Showdown #2: Leanne wins with 90 cents

Showcase: Leanne wins; Season Tickets to the Los Angeles Kings hockey team, Trip to Washington, D. C., Toronto, Canada, and Fort Lauderdale, Florida ($35,036 in prizes)

Coming or Going: Joshua lost by “Going”; Jet Ski ($9398)

Any Number: Andrew wins Dining Room Table ($465); Mazda 3 ($21,327)

One Wrong Price: Juliet lost; All Terrain Vehicle, Desktop Computer (Wrong Price $2998), and Refrigerator

Showcase Showdown #1: Andrew wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Hi Lo: Olivia lost; 50-inch Plasma TV and Home Theater Group

Temptation: Denise wins Trip to Santa Barbara, California, Bowl of Cash, Electric Guitar, and Picnic Equipment; Scion ($18,465)

Range Game: Paula wins; Trailer ($10,065)

Showcase Showdown #2: Olivia wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Olivia wins; Headphones, MP3 Player with $1000 Gift Card, Jukebox, Whirlpool Tub with TV Set, and Trip to the Marquesas Islands ($20,125 in prizes)

Master Key: Emily wins (Key #2 and Key #5); Tea Set, Cotton Candy Cart, and Chevy Impala

Race Game: Israel wins Dining Room Table and Accessories; Tools and Motorscooter

Pushover: Cara wins; Trip to Palm Springs, California ($3041)

Showcase Showdown #1: Emily wins with 40 cents

Freeze Frame: Terrance lost; Hot Tub ($5233)

It’s In the Bag: Clayton wins $1000

Lucky 7: Rachelle lost; Scion ($18,964)

Showcase Showdown #2: Rachelle wins with 90 cents

Showcase: Emily wins; Digital Camera, Desktop Computer, Trip to Egypt and China ($54,483 in prizes)

Cover Up: Jimmie wins; Chevy HHR ($22,134)

Grand Game: Steven wins $10,000 (Target Price $4.75)

Flip Flop: Kimberly lost by “flopping”; Hot Tub ($8694)

Showcase Showdown #1: Kimberly wins with $1.00 + 15 cents ($11,000)

More or Less: Jamie wins Bookcase (More than $800) and Stemware (Less than $3000); Desktop Computer (Less than $3700) and Ford Ranger

Bonkers: David wins; Trip to Vancouver, Canada

Switch?: Monique wins without a “switch”. Bar Set and Elliptical Trainer

Showcase Showdown #2: David wins with 95 cents

Showcase: David wins; Bracelet, Bedroom Group, $5000 Gift Card, and Cruise of the Greek Islands ($34,904 in prizes)

Let ‘Em Roll: Brian wins $2500 with 2 rolls; Ford F-150

Coming or Going: Shelli wins by “Coming”; Trip to Scotland ($7209)

Danger Price: Raina wins (Danger Price $1130); Barbecue Grill, Nintendo Wii and Games ($1130), Dinnerware, and Exercise Machine

Showcase Showdown #1: Raina wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Pick A Number: Amanda wins (chose “9”); Entertainment Center and 46-inch TV ($4439)

Pocket Change: Renee lost with 95 cents ($1.75 for car); Chevy Impala ($24,615)

Shell Game: Lydia wins with 3 Shells (Shell #3); Living Room Group

Showcase Showdown #2: Amanda wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Amanda wins; $1000 Gift Card, Makeover, Diamond Necklace, and Volkswagen Beetle ($29,906 in prizes)

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Friday, September 25

Money Game: Tabitha wins $270; Scion ($18,964)

Check Out: Amanda lost ($1.25 difference); Kitchen Island

Make Your Move: Rolisha lost; MP3 Player ($79), Art Supplies ($624), and Travel Trailer ($6495)

Showcase Showdown #1: Amanda wins with $1.00 ($1000)

1 Right Price: Kimberly wins; Trip to Antigua and Hong Kong ($8888)

Punch-A-Bunch: Raluca wins $500 with 4 punches

Range Game: Barry wins; Kia Soul ($16,595)

Showcase Showdown #2: Barry wins with 60 cents

Showcase: Amanda wins; Guitar, Pool Table, Trip to Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee, and a Cruise to Cozumel, Mexico ($30,451 in prizes)

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Thursday, September 24

Switch?: Nishani lost with a “switch”; Segway and 58-inch Plasma TV with DVD Player

Stack the Deck: Bradley wins (won “3”, “7”, and “2”); Honda Civic ($18,372)

Squeeze Play: Craig wins (removed “9”); Trip to Madrid, Spain ($8153)

Showcase Showdown #1: Craig wins with 75 cents

Bonus Game: Virginia wins (“Bonus” in Third Window); Dining Room Group

Cover Up: Christian lost; Honda Fit

Bonkers: Martha wins (5 seconds left); Hot Tub ($8694)

Showcase Showdown #2: Martha wins with 80 cents

Showcase: Craig wins; Makeup and Accessories and Trip to New York, New York ($30,071 in prizes)

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Wednesday, September 23

Grand Game: Jessica lost $1000 (Target Price $7.00)

Balanace Game: Denise lost ($327 + $3000 + $4000); Steam Shower ($5327)

Dice Game: Nora wins; Chevy HHR ($23,134)

Showcase Showdown #1: Nora wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Double Prices: Dannie wins; Bedroom Group ($3348)

One Away: Sheena wins; Hyundai Sonata ($21,854)

Cliffhangers: Kevin wins (11 steps); Jukebox and $200 Gift Card

Showcase Showdown #2: Kevin wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Showcase: Kevin wins; Poker Table, Trip to Lake Tahoe, $2500 in Cash, and Waverunner ($30,379 in prizes)

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Tuesday, September 22

Freeze Frame: Nicole lost; Trip to Washington, D. C. ($7394)

Any Number: Erik wins $7.34; Riding Lawn Mower ($980) and Subaru Forrester ($21,652)

Secret X: Aron wins (X in the Middle); Bedroom Group and $1000 Gift Card

Showcase Showdown #1: Nicole wins with 85 cents

Hi Lo: Adrian lost; Dining Room Group and Hot Tub

Pick A Number: Cynthia lost (chose “8”); Clothes and Accessories ($7264)

Card Game: Shela wins ($3000 card); Dodge Caliber ($19,065)

Showcase Showdown #2: Shela wins with 70 cents

Showcase: Nicole wins; Trip to New Orleans, Louisiana, Munich, Germany, and Rio De Janeiro, Brazil ($24,847 in prizes)

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Monday, September 21

Lucky 7: Zina lost; Chevy Impala ($24,73 )

Plinko: Heather wins ($1500) with 2 Plinko chips

Pushover: Cresencio wins by default; Desk and Desktop Computer ($9844)

Showcase Showdown #1: Zina wins with 80 cents

Grocery Game: John lost (Total $23.20); Waverunner

That’s Too Much: Lori lost; Dodge Challenger ($25,470)

Most Expensive: Robert lost; Trip to Yosemite Park, California, Carmel, California, and Palm Springs, California

Showcase Showdown #2: John wins with 85 cents

Showcase: John wins; Trip to Las Vegas, Nevada and the Seychelles and Toyota Prius ($39,732 in prizes)

Today's Airing of The Price is Right 

Friday, September 18

5 Price Tags: Marcia wins (3 chances); Ford F-150 ($21,790)

One Wrong Price: Levon wins; Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and Games (Wrong Price $3011), Accessories, and Flat Panel TV

Pick A Pair: Ginger wins with $3.19; Dining Room Group

Showcase Showdown #1: Ginger wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Squeeze Play: Mark lost (removed “7”); Waverunner ($9798)

More or Less: Allison wins Bar Set (Less than $5065) and Refrigerator (Less than $4850); Four Tires (Less than $3500) and Dodge Challenger

2 For the Price of 1: Kasey wins (chose middle number) Day Bed ($459) and Motorcycle

Showcase Showdown #2: Mark wins with 90 cents

Showcase: Mark wins; Trip to Palm Springs, California, Hot Air Balloon Tour, Trip to Honolulu, Hawaii, Trip to Tahiti, and $3000 in Cash ($21,366 in prizes)

“That was Gidget—I mean Gwendolyn!” Drew jokingly said upon receiving his microphone from his helper, who was part of the joke about her hair bangs from this point until 5 Price Tags. Drew reintroduced (“the lovely Rachel”) one of his helpers in a silly tone of voice. “The crowd is chanting ‘21’ ”, Drew told Marcia before she chose $21,790 as the price of the Ford F-150 featured in 5 Price Tags. “His name is Levon and he shall be a good man”, said Drew as Levon, a mechanic for the Air Force during his 30 years of service, made his way to the Big Doors concealing One Wrong Price. “It’s Rachel-Cam! Hey, Mom, I’m on Rachel-cam!” Drew said after the third Item Up for Bids, a Video Camera, was described. “Ginger snap, you got it!” said Drew after Ginger won the Video Camera. “Momma, this is for you”, said Ginger as she hugged Drew. A few members of the studio audience laughed as Drew described Pick A Pair in a dramatic way. “The word of the day is ‘platonic’ ”, said Drew with his hand covering the top of the microphone after the items in Pick A Pair were described. $3.19 was given a close-up upon Ginger’s item choice. “A dollar on the nose for Ginger! Sorry, Levon”, said Drew after Ginger scored $1.00 from two spins of the Big Wheel in Showcase Showdown #1 As Ginger prepared for her Bonus Spin, “If it lands on the dollar, you get an extra $25,000!” said Drew, whose normal tone of voice changed to a tone common in professional wrestling. Before the fourth Item Up for Bids, Drew appeared on screen with the studio audience behind him. “If you win this Pricing Games, I’m going to switch sides with you and wear your tie for the rest of the show”, Drew told Mark before the Waverunner was revealed as the Squeeze Play prize. On her last day of high school, Allison, who shares Drew’s middle name, attended the show. Allison’s game of More or Less ended with Four Tires priced less than $3500. “Ninety, ninety, ninety—ninety!” said Drew as Mark’s first spin of the Big Wheel resulted in a score of 90 cents. “You don’t get a whole Porsche forever, you just rent it while you’re there”, Drew told the contestants after the first Showcase, including trips to Hawaii and Tahiti. The second Showcase included a promotion for this Sunday’s broadcast of the Primetime Emmy Awards show, along with a Subscription to TV Guide magazine, a 63-inch TV Set, Tickets to the Primetime Emmy Awards, a Shopping Spree and a Make-Over in Beverly Hills, California, and a Toyota Prius. “The tickets to the Emmys have no value, so don’t add them up in your head”, Drew informed Ginger before she made her Showcase bid. After Drew continued the reminder to “have your pets spayed and (or) neutered”, Drew banged the Turntable set between “see you next time” and “bye”.

Plinko: Tiffany wins $12,200 with 5 Plinko chips

Range Game: Emil lost; Hot Tub ($7194)

Balance Game: Sean wins ($595 + $6000 + $10,000); Kia Soul ($16,595)

Showcase Showdown #1: Tiffany wins with 60 cents

Most Expensive: Bobby lost; Sofa (Most Expensive), Dresses, and Car Stereo Equipment

Pocket Change: Diane wins with 70 cents (50 cents for car); Chevy Cobalt ($18,429)

Now or Then: Mauricio lost (“Then” July 1998); Piano and Piano Lessons

Showcase Showdown #2: Mauricio wins with $1.00 ($1000)

Showcase: Mauricio wins; Health Spa, Pair of Bicycles, and Trip to Paris, France ($28,103 in prizes)

Eazy Az 1, 2, 3: Kathryn lost; Bicycle, Barbecue Grill, and Bar Set

It’s In the Bag: Jimmy lost $4000

Money Game: Donita wins; Hyundai Elantra ($18,476)

Showcase Showdown #1: Donita wins with 80 cents

Switch?: Amy wins with a “switch”; Home Gym and Steam Shower

One Away: Dandy wins; Subaru Forester ($21,293)

Secret X: Nancy wins (X in the Middle); Clothing

Showcase Showdown #2: Nancy wins with 90 cents

Showcase: Donita wins; Trip to Las Vegas, Nevada, Switzerland, and Pair of Motorcycles ($40,804 in prizes)

Safe Crackers: Dornita lost (Combination 760); Trip to the Caribbean and Cameras

Cover Up: James wins; Ford F-150 ($22,487)

Freeze Frame: James lost; Off-Road Vehicle ($7799)

Showcase Showdown #1: James (1) wins with 80 cents

Most Expensive: Jennifer wins; Wine Table, Exercise Machine (Most Expensive), and Dress

Cliffhangers: Ryan wins (10 steps); Hot Tub

Pass the Buck: Helen lost $4000; Ford Mustang

Showcase Showdown #2: Ryan wins with $1.00 + 5 cents ($11,000)

Showcase: Ryan wins; Living Room Group, 50-inch Plasma TV, Game Table, and Trailer ($38,750 in prizes)

Double Prices: Glemious lost; Kitchen Island ($7995)

Any Number: Katherine lost; Ford F-150 ($22,487)

Hi Lo: John lost; Bedroom Group

Showcase Showdown #1: Katherine wins with 85 cents

1 Right Price: Mildred lost; Work-Out Clothes ($1643) and Home Gym

Any Number: Cari wins Cutlery Set ($945); Hyundai Elantra ($18,261)

Punch A Bunch: McCall wins $500 with 1 punch

Showcase Showdown #2: Mildred wins with 90 cents

Showcase: Katherine wins; Outdoor Furniture, Trip to Barbados, and Waverunner ($19,874 in prizes)

Pick A Number: Shary lost ; 50-inch Plasma TV, Home Theater System, and Subscription to Netflix ($6002)

Half Off: Michelle wins $1500 (3 Halves and Box #8); Box #12 contained $10,000

Money Game: Madison wins his Mini Cooper ($21,845)

Showcase Showdown #1: Shary wins with 85 cents

Pick A Pair: Derek lost (Coffee and Candle Light Cost $7.99); Bedroom Group

Line ‘Em Up: Sandra wins; Game Table, Travel Gear, Speakers, and Pontiac G3 ($17,180)

Balance Game: Jose lost ($742 + $1000 + $3000); Trip to Chicago, Illinois ($5742)

Showcase Showdown #2: Sandra wins with 60 cents

Showcase: Sandra wins; Tickets to Winter and Summer X Games, Skateboard, Dirt Bicycle, Bicycle, Snowboards, Skis, and Snowmobile ($44,849 in prizes)

Spelling Bee: Ginger spells CAR with 5 cards; Mini Cooper

Double Prices: John wins; Hot Tub ($7194)

One Wrong Price: Allen lost; Playstation Portable and Games, Necklace, and Riding Lawnmower (Wrong Price $1750)

Showcase Showdown #1: John wins with 95 cents

Squeeze Play: Stefani lost (removed “3”); Barbecue Grill and Accessories ($5132)

Stack the Deck: Carlos lost (wins “9”, “7”, and “4”); Chevy HHR ($20,974)

Magic #: Sandra lost (Magic Number 1203); Accessories and Refrigerator

Showcase Showdown #2: Sandra wins by default with 25 cents

Showcase: Double Overbid; Kayak, Trip to New Orleans, Louisiana and Egypt; Trampoline, Trip to Las Vegas and Australia

1 Right Price: Tracey wins; Home Gym ($1400) and Motorcycle

Money Game: Deborah wins $278; Chevy HHR ($22,914)

Range Game: Tony lost; Cruise of the Galapagos Islands ($11,492)

Showcase Showdown #1: Tony wins with 70 cents

Bonkers: Melanie lost; Entertainment Cabinet and 46-inch TV ($4439)

It’s In the Bag: Da Sharoi wins $2000

Any Number: Augustine wins Chevy Cobalt ($18,429); Clothing ($613)

Showcase Showdown #2: Augustine wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Tony wins; Sauna, Bedroom Group, and Trailer ($24,131 in prizes)

Plinko: Brian and Jade win $1600 with 4 Plinko chips

Lucky 7: Matthew and Sara lost; Mazda 3 ($21,287)

Pushover: Crystal and Stacy lost; Jet Ski ($9398)

Showcase Showdown #1: Brian and Jade win with 75 cents

Switch?: Jeremy and Lisa win by “staying”; Home Gym and Stemware

Grocery Game: Chasta and Anthony (Total $20.94); Kitchen Set and Bathtub with TV Set

Gas Money: Billy and Teri lost; Kia Soul

Showcase Showdown #2: Jeremy and Lisa win with 85 cents

Showcase: Jeremy and Lisa win; Dining Room Group, Living Room Group, Bedroom Group, and Jeep Compass ($42,005 in prizes)

Freeze Frame: Glenda lost; Camper ($6495)

Any Number: Alexander wins Ford Ranger ($20,237); Desk ($4.98)

Hi Lo: Eric wins; Living Room Group

Showcase Showdown #1: Eric wins with 75 cents

Double Prices: Wendy lost; Pair of Motorcycles ($4898)

Punch A Bunch: Courtney wins $5000 with 2 punches

Cover Up: Tasha wins; Scion ($18,964)

Showcase Showdown #2: Wendy wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Eric wins; Home Theater Group, 65-inch TV, $1500, and Mini Cooper ($36,531 in prizes)

Cover Up: Violet wins; Mitsubishi Lancer ($17,285)

Side By Side: Michael wins (Left Side); Bed ($5497)

Clock Game: Laura wins (15 seconds left); Dining Room Table ($723), Barbecue Grill, and Pair of Patio Heaters

Showcase Showdown #1: Michael wins with 85 cents

Eazy Az 1, 2, 3: Rebecca lost; Shoes, Washer and Dryer, and Home Theater System

Pocket Change: Christine wins (25 cents for car); Pontiac G3 ($16,930)

Pick A Pair: Radhakrishnan wins (Ice Cream and Nesquik Cost $4.99); Trip to Venice, Italy

Showcase Showdown #2: Radhakrishnan wins with 95 cents

Showcase: Radhakrishnan wins; Digital Video Recorder, 46-inch TV, Desktop Computer, and Scion ($34,037 in prizes)

Range Game: Shannon lost; Mercury Milan ($20,610)

Danger Price: Edna lost (Danger Price $1912); Laptop Computer ($1912), Dinnerware, Floor Clock, and Playstation 3, Games, and Accessories

Balance Game: Gordon lost ($4783 + $2000 +$1000); Bed ($4783)

Showcase Showdown #1: Edna wins with 90 cents

Check Out: Wanda lost ($3.62 difference); Trip to Yosemite National Park and Pair of Bicycles

More or Less: Catherine wins Wine Cabinet (Less than $1900), Video Camera (Less than $1500), Power Tools (More than $900); Chevy Impala (More than $23,525)

Safe Crackers: Robert wins (Combination 760); Hot Tub and Barbecue Grill

Showcase Showdown #2: Catherine wins with 45 cents

Showcase: Catherine wins; Headphones, $200 Gift Card, Dance Lessons, Trip to Tahiti and Bora Bora ($23,321 in prizes)

Pushover: Brent lost; Trip to Palm Springs, California and $1000 in Cash ($4270)

Ten Chances: Bridgette wins (5 chances); Digital Camera ($90), Tea Set ($950), and Hyundai Elantra ($17,920)

Switch?: Kathy lost by “staying”; Dining Room Table and 50-inch Plasma TV

Showcase Showdown #1: Kathy wins with 90 cents

Pick A Pair: Jerome lost; Bedroom Group

That’s Too Much: Beverly wins; Scion ($18,465)

Secret X: Kathryn wins (X in the Middle); Trailer

Showcase Showdown #2: Beverly wins with 80 cents

Showcase: Kathy wins; iPhone, Trip to Las Vegas, Nevada, African Safari, and Trip to Sydney, Australia ($30,511 in prizes)

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